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Labtron Spectrometers are designed for precise elemental analysis across diverse sample types. They possess the ability to identify various forms of substances, including solids, liquids & powders. Provides a broad measurement range, accurately detecting concentrations from trace amounts to nearly pure substances. Integrated with multiple safety measures to ensure secure operation. Our spectrometers come in different types such as FTIR spectrometer, atomic fluorescence spectrometer, XRF spectrometer, ICP spectrometer & angular spectrometer.

X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

Labtron X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometers employ digital multi-channel technology for simultaneous detection of multiple elements in a sample. With high sensitivity, they can detect trace elements accurately & reliably. Allows analysis of sample composition while maintaining the integrity of samples. Our spectrometer offers real-time analysis capabilities for immediate data collection & processing.

Optical Emission Spectrometer

Labtron Optical Emission Spectrometers are equipped with highly sensitive detectors for detection of trace elements present in samples. They are capable of analyzing multiple elements simultaneously, providing thorough elemental analysis. Includes environmental control features such as temperature regulation to ensure stable operating conditions. Our spectrometers offer users with intuitive tools for easy data interpretation. Facilitates efficient data transfer, ensuring smooth communication between devices for optimal connectivity.

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